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Novarto Nordic @ Recruitment Fair Framtid 2017

On February the 22nd a Recruitment Fair was held at the University of Skövde, Sweden. Novarto Nordic AB was present with a booth, with a quest to find new, talented Java developers for the continued expansion of Novarto in Sweden. The interest for Novarto was big and a decisive online Java contest attracted many Java… Read more

Novarto SAPSA Impuls 2015 Events

Novarto @ SAPSA conference IMPULS 2015 in Stockholm

Novarto was amongst the sponsors of the SAPSA conference IMPULS that took place on 17 and 18 November in Stockholm. This is a semi-annual event where SAP users in Sweden come together with SAP partners to learn about the latest and hottest SAP technologies. Visitors had the chance to attend sessions from SAPPHIRE and SAP… Read more

Beaconade in the press / SAPSA magazine Products , Team

Beaconade in the press / @ SAPSA Mag

The country manager of Novarto Nordic – Jesper Lundqvist – wrote a featured article on application of beacons in omni-channel commerce for the new issue of SAPSA magazine. SAPSA is the Swedish organization of SAP users and SAPSAnytt is their online magazine. You can find the new issue here The specialists from Novarto have been… Read more


Novarto Nordic AB Established

Novarto’s new office in Sweden opened doors in March 2014. The company Novarto Nordic AB was established as a branch of the Bulgarian software consulting company Novarto OOD. As country manager is appointed Jesper Lundqvist, who has a vast business development experience in the IT branch. Amongst his former positions are General manager at Misco… Read more